
Welcome Avatar

You are the Avatar in the machine
Welcome to the /shop of Varda.City, if your here, your from Second life, and in that case, Hello Avatar it's lovely to meet you. 
Spend a while here and learn about the various products created by Varda.City/Shop and any documentation that may come along with them Or... Just click below and view the World or Marketplace links and shop to your hearts content at Varda.City/Shop
Visit the Marketplace
Let's Shop Together!
Synthetic Slime Girl
Visit the Shop in world

Varda.City/Shop The Game!

Designs by Zorai, are as personalised as they are many


Here are just some of the many amazing products created by Varda.City/Shop

Let's Shop Together!
Synthetic Slime Girl
Join the growing community and support the future
The Development has been going well over the past few weeks, i've been learning and implementing all of that into the game as it stands, If you want to support my development then please do consider joining the patreon, people who do will have access to special supporter only features
Support me on Patreon
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